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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (24)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Between the Line by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer
Expected Release Date: June 26, 2012

What happens when happily ever after…isn’t?

Delilah is a bit of a loner who prefers spending her time in the school library with her head in a book—one book in particular. Between the Lines may be a fairy tale, but it feels real. Prince Oliver is brave, adventurous, and loving. He really speaks to Delilah.

And then one day Oliver actually speaks to her. Turns out, Oliver is more than a one-dimensional storybook prince. He’s a restless teen who feels trapped by his literary existence and hates that his entire life is predetermined. He’s sure there’s more for him out there in the real world, and Delilah might just be his key to freedom.

Delilah and Oliver work together to attempt to get Oliver out of his book, a challenging task that forces them to examine their perceptions of fate, the world, and their places in it. And as their attraction to each other grows along the way, a romance blossoms that is anything but a fairy tale.

I have yet to read a Jodi Picoult book but this sounds really good! I do need to read some of her other books also! I have heard great things from my blogger friend Mickey from I'm A Book Shark along with many other people.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (24)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created  at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list  that one of their bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer.

Top Ten Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years

  1. Moon Called by Patricia Briggs (series)
  2. Divergent by Veronica Roth (series)
  3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (series)
  4. Delirium by Lauren Oliver (series)
  5. Significance by Shelly Crane (series)
  6. Remembrance by MIchelle Madow
  7. Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sargara (series)
  8. Red Heart Tattoo  by Lurlene McDaniel and any of her books!
  9. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
  10. Kissed by an Angel series by Elizabeth Chandler. Technically this one began being released longer than 10 years ago and then they reprinted the first three books in one book before the author began releasing more books in the series more recently.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Night Sky by Jolene B. Perry Blog Tour [Review]

I am so happy to be  part of the Night Sky Blog Tour today! I was really excited when Tribute Books contacted me to be a part of this blog tour since I had read The Next Door Boys and loved it. I was more than happy to read this book and review it for the blog tour. Everyone I hope you will give a big welcome to Jolene B. Perry because she is fantastic.


Night Sky by Jolene B. Perry

Jameson’s heart was broken by his best friend Sarah, who he had been in love with for years, but never had the courage to tell her.  That same night, he met Sky, a beautiful, seemingly carefree college girl. Her rule was honesty, and Jameson abided, finding honesty invigorating and addictive, but he was shocked when he discovered she had been breaking her biggest rule. Sky’s secret was so big, it changed everything, but Jameson couldn’t just forget about her because he was already in love with her.

This was the second book I have read by Jolene B. Perry, and I enjoyed it just as much as the first, Next Door Boys. This was a fantastic, fast-paced read, and I had to keep turning the pages for more. I was captured by the story, which was narrated by Jameson, the lead male character. This is the first book I have read fully in a male’s perspective, and I didn’t mind it at all.

The characters felt very real to me, and I really liked Jameson. It was really nice being in the guy's head this time instead of the girl's; it was different and a nice change from the normal, especially being a contemporary romance. Jameson is a genuinely nice guy that gets a lot of stuff thrown at him his senior year, and I thought this made him easy to relate to, even as a girl. He seemed very real and the issues he struggled with could happen to anyone.

The author is wonderful at making the words flow in her books. In both books, I found it easy to get lost in her writing and to become so entranced in her story that I found myself done with the book before I knew it.  When this happens, then the author is doing something right, and I hope she keeps doing it. I really look forward to reading more of her work in the future.

I received this book from Tribute Books for review. Thank you very much, Tribute Books; I really enjoyed Night Sky.

Buy Now:

Jolene Perry's Bio:
Jolene grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. She graduated from Southern Utah University with a degree in political science and French, which she used to teach math to middle schoolers.

After living in Washington, Utah and Las Vegas, she now resides in Alaska with her husband, and two children. Aside from writing, Jolene sews, plays the guitar, sings when forced, and spends as much time outside as possible.

She is also the author of The Next Door Boys and the upcoming Knee Deep.

Find Jolene:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Charade by Cambria Hebert [Guest Post]

Today I would like to welcome Cambria Hebert to my blog for the Heven and Hell blog tour. She is the author of Masquerade, the first book in the Heven and Hell series. Cambria has welcomed me to her blog tour and today she will be doing a guest post on demons in honor of Charade, the next book in the series. I hope you all enjoy this post and give a warm welcome to Cambria Hebert.

Post on Demons – Charade Tour

Throughout time demons have been a source of fear, curiosity and myth. I cannot be sure if demons actually exist but really, I tend to think that they probably do somewhere. I’m going to go way out on a limb and say that they probably exist in hell. Lol.
So what better kind of beings to add to the Heven and Hell series?? I mean it seemed perfect to add a bunch of limb chewing, skin scratching, creepy crawly killers to the book.  Charade (Heven and Hell #2) is home to many types of demons – many of which I just made up. LOL. I would ask myself, what could show up in the middle of my room (or whatever) and scare the panties off of me? But, there are also some demons that are in Charade that I did not make up or were inspired by others that I read about on the internet.
Leave it to Google to show me the light on demons!!       
So, I thought it would be fun to talk about some of the demons that I have learned about and I might even throw one or two in the list that made it into Charade!
Geryon – Is said to be a giant centaur who guards Hell (This is who was called in to guard the gate after the hellhounds were cast out and no longer guarding the gate)
~There is a centaur in Charade though it is not Geryon. But my centaur is NOT nice. J
Shabriri- A demon who makes people blind.
Zaebos- one of the many animal-human combinations of demons.
~ This is a type of demon that shows up in Charade. Very early on in the book… my demon is part human part crocodile and I call him “the crocodile man”.  His body is part crocodile (from the waist down) and human from the waist up. He has a very long tail that stretches like Gumby (remember him?? Lol) so he can grab you and pull you in….
~There is also another demon in Charade that could fall under this category… you saw him in Masquerade as well. Remember the big bird who turned into a man and could release some sort of weird mist from his mouth? I think of this demon as “The Mist Thrower”
Samael- Angel of death, Prince of the air.
Jezebeth- Demon of falsehoods

So where do demons come from?? In Charade it is said that demons are born from people like you and me – except these are bad people – sinners. When they die they get sent to hell. Their souls are then twisted by the evil, empty place (Hell) and they are formed into demons. They can take on many different forms but they are all terrifying.
Other traits of Demons (from the Heven and Hell Series)
~Demons like to bite. Their bites are very painful after the fact. They have saliva that when gets into the bite marks burns and hurts and causes you to become very ill.
~Demons are strong and can toss you around.
~Demons are not very bright.
~Demons have “man parts” –See Charade for further clarification. J
~Demons like to scratch – the scratches are also very painful
~Demon’s have white auras
Demon Hierarchy?
Of course there is a hierarchy for demons just like everything else! Lol. There are your regular demons that are like those I described above. BUT there are other demons who are more powerful like the seven princes of Hell. These are much more powerful and have abilities that are very difficult to beat.

So that concludes today’s demon lesson! I hope you enjoyed my take on the big scary and remember a lot of my demon ideas were made up and some were found on the internet (so of course that means they are SO true! Not.)
Is there anything you can add to this demon lesson?

Thank you all for being here today as part of the Heven and Hell Tour: Charade!!! 

Charade Blurb

Dying at the hands of a psycho was a shock. Having my life returned to me by an angel was incredible. Being named a Supernatural Treasure and being given Sam as my guard was pretty darn awesome. Acquiring a debt for it all—well, I should have seen it coming.
Now here we are, fighting demons from Hell, caring for a boy that I just don’t trust, and traveling to faraway places to return a treasure to its rightful place. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone wears a mask; everyone puts on a charade. It’s up to us to separate the truth from the lies and reality from fiction. A hard task when my new reality involves fallen angels, witches and dragons… and did I mention Hell?
Anchoring me down through it all is Sam. Sam, who must face tragedies of his own and is put to the test again and again.
If we fail in our task, life as we know it—life as you know it—will end. Forever.

Cambria Hebert Bio

Cambria Hebert grew up in a small town in rural Maryland. She is married to a United States Marine and has lived in South Carolina, Pennsylvania and her current state of North Carolina. She is the mother of two young children with big personalities, is in love with Starbucks (give the girl a latte!) and she is obsessed with werewolves. Cambria also has an irrational fear of chickens (Ewww! Gross) and she loves to read and review books for her blog. Her favorite book genre is YA paranormal, and she can be found stalking that section at her local Barnes and Nobles (which happens to be her favorite place ever!).
Masquerade is her first published novel, but she also has a short story prequel to Masquerade available in Ebook titled, Before. In addition, she has another short story published titled Whiteout.
Cambria also co-hosts a live, internet blog radio talk show, JournalJabber, ( where she dishes about books, publishing and everything in between: hair in a can, toilet snakes, chicken phobias, etc..
You can find Cambria on Facebook, Good Reads (she is a moderator of the Creative Reviews group and the Creative Reviews Book Club) and her blog/website for her latest crazy antics and the scoop on Masquerade.

Find Cambria:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (23)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Of Poseidon by Anna BanksExpected Release Date: May 22, 2012

Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he’s heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen—literally, ouch!—both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma’s gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom . . .

Told from both Emma and Galen’s points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (23)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created  at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list  that one of their bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer.

Top Ten Authors I'd Like To See On A Reality Show (and which reality show :P)

  1. Cassandra Clare
  2. J.K. Rowling
  3. Lurlene McDaniel
  4. Veronica Roth
  5. Lauren Oliver
  6. Suzanne Collins
  7. Michelle Madow
  8. Patricia Briggs
  9. Elizabeth Chandler
  10. Michelle Sagara
I chose ten of my favorite authors but I honestly don't have any idea what realty show I would choose because I don't watch reality TV shows. I would probably say make up a new one having to do with books since they are all authors, but I guess that wouldn't be as entertaining for this feature. I'm sorry to say I don't have a great fun answer for this one but i'm sure if you stuck authors in any random reality TV show then it would probably be pretty interesting and entertaining.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Shake It Down by M. Apostolina Review

Shake it Down by M. Apostolina

Teresa was an amazing dancer who always captivated her audience. When she was dancing, no matter where she was, people always paid attention. Unfortunately, her dancing didn’t bring in enough money to provide for her and her sister Vianna, who she had been taking care of since they left Mexico when Vianna was a baby. Things changed when Teresa decided to open up her own club with the help of a friend, who was also an investor. Things soon spun out of control between Teresa and Vianna, which lead up to the discovery of a secret Teresa had been harboring for years.

I was genuinely impressed by Shake it Down. I began reading this without any expectations, and, while it took me a little bit to get into it, it was a great story. Once I got into the story, it was a fast read with a twist I never saw coming. A lot of the time, I can see a plot twist coming a mile away, but this time, I never saw it! I give the author high praise for this great feat because this is hard to do in today’s literature. 

The author did a great job with the depth of this story. There was meaning and real issues that the characters had to deal with in the story. I really like stories that are relatable and have real issues that aren’t over-stretched or over-dramatized. The author kept it real and interesting. I would read more of her work in the future. 

I received this book from the author for review.

Available now to Buy:

Colors Like Memories by Meradeth Houston Blog Tour [Guest Post]

Today I would like to give a warm welcome to Meradeth Houston, the author of the new book, Colors like Memories. I will be reviewing Colors like Memories in the future and really look forward to reading it. Today I'm joining the blog tour by hosting a guest post for Meradeth. I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did.

Thanks so much for hosting me today, Christie! Before I forget, I have a contest running for my blog tour—all commenter’s are entered into a drawing for two copies of my book, and one person will win a $25 giftcard to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. There are more details on my home blog, if you want to check it out!

I’ve always been kind of captivated by the past. In high school, I loved my history classes (probably because I had the luck of an awesome teacher). Historical novels always leave me wondering what it would really be like to live in a different time, a different place, a different era. I really hope I’m not alone in this sentiment, at least sometimes! I have a little list of times I think would be pretty cool to visit if someone ever invents a time machine. In no particular order:

-Victorian England. Yes, I’d hate wearing corsets and all that, but I think it would be pretty awesome to visit for a while. Well, to visit as a duchess or something, probably not a scullery maid.

-Classic Egypt. During a time of peace, preferably. I’d love the see the pyramids being built! Maybe even catch a little of the making of a mummy, too.

-The height of the Roman Empire. I don’t think I’d be able to stomach going to the coliseum, but I think I’d like to check out the heated baths :)

-Chaco Canyon at its peak. I love this canyon, the history, and the people (well, what I’ve read about them, at least). I’d give a whole lot to see what Pueblo Bonito looked like in the past!

My personal enjoyment of the past has led me in my studies, and has also occasionally gets mixed up with what I write. The main character in my debut novel, Colors Like Memories, is a Sary, and she’s lived through quite a few important events in history (the Civil War and the French Revolution both are visited through her eyes in the book). It’s kind of fun to imagine myself in those times and figuring out what it would be like to live then.

Inquiring minds want to know: what time period would you visit if you could? Any special events you’d like to see? Or are electricity, the web, and flushing toilets making the present a pretty nice place to stay?

A bit about the Colors Like Memories:

Julia has a secret: she killed the guy she loved. It was an accident—sort of. 

Julia is a Sary, the soul of a child who died before taking her first breath. Without this 'breath of life' she and others like her must help those on the verge of suicide. It's a job Julia used to enjoy, until the accident that claimed her boyfriend’s life—an accident she knows was her fault. If living with the guilt weren't enough, she's now assigned to help a girl dealing with the loss of her mother, something Julia's not exactly the best role model for. If she can't figure out a way to help her, Julia's going to lose her position in the Sary, something she swore to her boyfriend would never happen.

Release date: May 11th 2012 from MuseItUp Publishing.

A bit about Meradeth Houston:
Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:

>She’s a Northern California girl. This generally means she talks too fast and use "like" a lot.
>When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
>She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It's her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
>If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.

Find Medadeth Houston:

Friday, May 11, 2012

TGIF (16)

TGIF at GReads- This Feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's post & to answer a question from GReads.

Question: Supporting Characters: We tend to gush over those main characters the most, but what about those supporting roles? Who are some of your favorites? 

Warren from the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. He is trustworthy and one of Mercy's closest friends. He is funny loving and caring. He is a powerful werewolf but pretends he isn't because he is gay which isn't very acceptable among the werewolf but that doesn't stop Adam from accepting him and being his best friend. I also love Kyle, Warren's boyfriend, he is quick witted and funny, oh and he is a human dating a werewolf and doesn't quite know it in the beginning of the first book, Moon Called. They are a great combination and I love it when they are in scenes.

What you may have missed on my blog this week:


Other Awesome stuff:

Shadow on the Wall by Pavarti K. Tyler Blog Tour [Guest Post and Giveaway]

I'm excited to be part of the Shadow on the Wall blog tour today. I have been honored with being able to share with you all a guest post from the author of the new book Shadow on the Wall by Pavarti K. Tyler. This book sounds fantastic and intriguing and I look forward to reading it in the future. I was invited to this tour by Tribute Books, and they are always a pleasure to work with. They are also doing a giveaway with me for another one of Pavarti K. Tyler's books, which you can find out more about at the end of this post. I hope you all enjoy this post as much as I did and I look forward to hearing what you think.

Shadow on the Wall Book Summary
Recai Osman: Muslim, philosopher, billionaire and Superhero?

Controversial and daring, Shadow on the Wall details the transformation of Recai Osman from complicated man to Superhero. Forced to witness the cruelty of the Morality Police in his home city of Elih, Turkey, Recai is called upon by the power of the desert to be the vehicle of change. Does he have the strength to answer Allah's call or will his dark past and self doubt stand in his way?

Pulling on his faith in Allah, the friendship of a Jewish father-figure and a deeply held belief that his people deserve better, Recai Osman must become The SandStorm.

In the tradition of books by Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie, Shadow on the Wall tackles issues of religion, gender, corruption and the basic human condition. Beautiful and challenging, this is not a book to miss.

Buy now from Barnes & Noble or Amazon!

Price: $11.95
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780983876908
Publisher: Fighting Monkey Press
Release: May 1, 2012

Guest Post:
"Behind the Veil: My Experience with Hijab"

Hijab is the headscarf some Muslim women wear.  There is great debate over the need, use and appropriateness of the hijab, which has fueled cultural debate and conflict.  In Islam there is a cultural practice of covering a woman’s hair and neck, this is considered modest dress and the roots of the practice are based in the Qu’ran.  There are multiple surahs (verses) and hadiths (oral histories) which are used to explain the need for men and women to dress modestly.

The specifics of what needs to be covered is controversial.  Some say only the hair must be covered, others say everything but the eyes and hands should be.  From Burquas in Afghanistan to hijabs in France, it seems everyone has an opinion.

In 2001, right after 9/11, I participated in an event called “Sisters for Solidarity.”  The sponsoring group was an interfaith movement for social awareness.  Over 200,000 women in the US donned hijab for Eid Al-Fitr, a celebration that marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Somewhere in the depths of my basement there is a picture of me with a beautiful red-and-gold scarf covering my hair and neck. For three days in November, 2011, I went to work, the grocery store, church and everywhere else with my hair covered.

I could discuss the political reasons for doing this, or my own religion beliefs, but what I learned during those three days has nothing to do with either. I donned a headscarf for very personal reasons, which I believed deeply and still hold dear.  And every moment I wore it, I felt stronger in my convictions.  Something about a physical declaration of my beliefs was empowering and liberating.

I also felt a part of something.  Other women in hijab would stop, smile and speak with me no matter where we were.  It was a kind of sisterhood I haven’t experienced in other parts of my life.  Even when they found out I wasn’t Muslim, the kind response I received for what I was doing was deeply touching.

Simultaneously, I found the covering very oppressive.  It was hot under there, and kept slipping.  This was probably mostly due to my inexperience, but I found it physically cumbersome and something that needed constant monitoring.  I was also very surprised to find that a number of co-workers with whom I had been close to did not speak with me during the days I was wearing hijab. I received sideways glances on the bus and subway, not the usual smiles and commuter camaraderie I was accustomed to.

There are three female characters in my novel, Shadow on the Wall.  Each has an opinion of and relationship with wearing the hijab.  I pulled on my short experience to inform how I wrote these characters. Rebekah, Darya and Maryam - each of them represents a different archetype of Middle Eastern women.  While it's certainly not an exhaustive representation, the issues of gender and the veil are explored in depth through the course of the story.

What I learned during the Sisters for Solidarity movement - and what I hope Shadow on the Wall conveys - is that covering is a deeply personal experience. Ideally each  woman would be able to decide for herself without the pressures of politics, family or cultural assumptions.  Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world, which is what makes the discussion so volatile.

I’m curious as I move into publishing Shadow on the Wall how readers will feel about these women.  Which will they respond to?  With which will they identify?

Pavarti K. Tyler's Bio:

Pavarti K Tyler is an artist, wife, mother and number cruncher. She graduated Smith College in 1999 with a degree in Theatre. After graduation, she moved to New York, where she worked as a Dramaturge, Assistant Director and Production Manager on productions both on and off Broadway.

Later, Pavarti went to work in the finance industry as a freelance accountant for several international law firms. She now operates her own accounting firm in the Washington DC area, where she lives with her husband, two daughters and two terrible dogs. When not preparing taxes, she is busy penning her next novel.

Throughout history, literature and the art of story-telling have influenced politics, religion and culture. The power of the epic tale is universal. Why is it that those who never read The Iliad know Helen of Troy? Her story, Homer’s story, transcends the written word and has become a part of our human lexicon. The power of the written word is undeniable and Pavarti is honored to be part of the next wave of literary revolution.

Find Pavarti K. Tyler:


You can enter to win an e-book copy of Pavarti K. Tyler's Two Moons of Sera: Volumes 1 & 2, which is a fantasy romance. The giveaway will be running until May 30, 2012. To enter use the rafflecopter form below. The winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner will be chosen.

Two moons of Sera (Vol. 1 & 2)

In a world where water and earth teem with life, Serafay is an anomaly. The result of genetic experiments on her mother's water-borne line Serafay will have to face the very people responsible to discover who she really is. But is she the only one?

All the Fun of YA written for Adults (goodreads)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (22)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Chosen Ones by Tiffany Truitt
Expected Release Date: June 12, 2012

What if you were mankind’s last chance at survival?

Sixteen-year-old Tess lives in a compound in what was once the Western United States, now decimated after a devastating fourth World War. But long before that, life as we knew it had been irrevocably changed, as women mysteriously lost the ability to bring forth life. Faced with the extinction of the human race, the government began the Council of Creators, meant to search out alternative methods of creating life. The resulting artificial human beings, or Chosen Ones, were extraordinarily beautiful, unbelievably strong, and unabashedly deadly.

Life is bleak, but uncomplicated for Tess as she follows the rigid rules of her dystopian society, until the day she begins work at Templeton, the training facility for newly created Chosen Ones. There, she meets James, a Chosen One whose odd love of music and reading rivals only her own. The attraction between the two is immediate in its intensity—and overwhelming in its danger.

But there is more to the goings-on at Templeton than Tess ever knew, and as the veil is lifted from her eyes, she uncovers a dark underground movement bent not on taking down the Chosen Ones, but the Council itself. Will Tess be able to stand up to those who would oppress her, even if it means giving up the only happiness in her life?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (22)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created  at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list  that one of their bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer.

Top Ten Favorite Quotes From Books
  1. Is this the part where you start tearing off strips of your shirt to bind my wounds?"
    "If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should have just asked. -City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
  2. Mine" he said.
    Adam's eyes narrowed. "I don't think so. She is mine."
    It would of been flattering,I thought,except that at least one of them was talking about dinner and I wasn't certain about the other. -Moon Called by patricia Briggs
  3. You think my first instinct is to protect you. Because you're small, or a girl, or a Stiff. But you're wrong."

    He leans his face close to mine and wraps his fingers around my chin. His hand smells like metal. When was the last time he held a gun, or a knife? My skin tingles at the point of contact, like he's transmitting electricity through his skin.

    "My first instinct is to push you until you break, just to see how hard I have to press." he says, his fingers squeezing at the word break. My body tenses at the edge in his voice, so I am coiled as tight as a spring, and I forget to breathe.

    His dark eyes lifting to mine, he adds, "But I resist it."

    "Why..." I swallow hard. "Why is that your first instinct?"

    "Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up. I've seen it. It's fascinating." He releases me but doesn't pull away, his hand grazing my jaw, my neck. "Sometimes I just want to see it again. Want to see you awake. -Divergent by Veronica Roth
  4. Are you implying that shreds of my reputation remain intact?" Will demanded with mock horror. "Clearly I have been doing something wrong. Or not something wrong, as the case may be."

    He banged on the side of the carriage. "Thomas! We must away at once to the nearest brothel. I seek scandal and low companionship. -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  5. Mom says it's because she has PMS.
    Do you even know what that means?
    "I'm not a little kid anymore. It means pissed-at- men syndrome -The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
  6. I reached out blindly, clasped a warm hand, faded from life and into peace.
    Well, that was what was supposed to happen.... Except an annoying, distracting tug kept pulling and yanking....
    When I woke, I thought I had overcome the pull and stayed in the afterlife.  Whiteness billowed over me in soft waves.  My body was cushioned and cocooned in warmth.  I stretched my legs  and then tried to raise my arms, but my left arm wouldn't budge.  Rolling over, I encountered a number of very unpleasant realities.
    I was alive.  I was in a room.  I was naked except for a blood-stained bandage wrapped tight around my stomach.  Kerrick lay beside me.  And his hand trapped mine.
    Kill.  Me.  Now. -Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder
  7. Is this some sort of test?"
    "Everything that doesn't kill you is."
    "Mind you," he added, "surviving doesn't always mean you passed. -Cast in Secret by Michelle Sagara
  8. “I run for I don't know how long. Hours, maybe, or days. Alex told me to run. So I run. You have to understand. I am no one special. I am just a single girl. I am five feet two inches tall and I am in-between in every way. But I have a secret. You can build walls all the way to the sky and I will find a way to fly above them. You can try to pin me down with a hundred thousand arms, but I will find a way to resist. And there are many of us out there, more than you think. People who refuse to stop believing. People who refuse to come to earth. People who love in a world without walls, people who love into hate, into refusal, against hope,and without fear. I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.”  -Delirium by Lauren Oliver
  9. “When you love someone, its never over. You move on, because you have to but you take them with you in your heart”  -Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler
  10. “She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people...” - The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
I could seriously go on and on well beyond ten quotes for this one!


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