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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Imaginable by J. Meyers Review

Imaginable (Intangible #2) by J. Meyers

Twins Sera and Luke Raine’s unusual abilities are growing. Sera is healing vampires now, making them human again. And, at times, Luke can actually change the future he Sees.

But Sera’s healing has dangerous consequences, and though Luke is altering the outcome of more visions, he can’t control them yet.

Now Sera is in danger as the dark creatures of the Realm seek to use her. As Luke struggles to master his gift in order to save his sister, he discovers even more about his powers.

And what he learns just may put him in greater danger than Sera has ever been. (Goodreads)

Sera and Luke barely escaped the last threat to their lives before a new threat came at them full force. The Realm now knew that these prophetic twins were alive and could do a lot of good or a lot of harm. Their powers continued to grow, especially when they worked together. New friends with powers and old friends embark on this new journey, which challenges and expands Luke’s gift in a way he has never done before.

This book was full of excitement and twists and turns. I loved learning more about secondary characters and getting to know them on a more intimate level as well as witnessing Luke and Sera develop. They were different in this book, and I have a feeling they will be different in the next book, each experience changing them.

The end foreshadowed a new risk they will face in the next installment. I look forward to finding out what will happen and continuing this journey until its end. I enjoy the characters, and really enjoy the setting, considering I live in Vermont. It is very exciting to read about places and know where they are and what they look like. The author did a great job.

I received this book from the author for review.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rain Cover Reveal Information

Hey everyone! Exciting things are happening. I’m finally ready to share the cover of Rain with the world! I hope you guys like it as much as I do. The cover reveal date is:

Wait for it…

February 7, 2014!

29 Days away! Along with the cover reveal I will be giving away autographed bookmarks for Rain to anyone who wants one, so be sure to visit on the cover reveal day and sign up to get one.
If you would like to participate in the cover reveal go HERE and fill out the form.

Be sure to like me on facebook, and add Rain on Goodreads to receive all updates big and small.

For those that don't know, I wrote a book, and am self-publishing it this year. Check out my website to find out more!


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