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Monday, March 30, 2015

The Curious Tales of Gabrielle by Zachary Paul Chopchinski Blog Tour (GUEST POST)

Hi Everyone! Today I am part of the, The Curious Tales of Gabrielle blog tour! I'm excited to share this book with all of you. Instead of hearing me ramble, check the post below filled with tons of content including an excerpt and a giveaway!
About the Book whiteimage01
The Curious Tale of GabrielleAuthor: Zachary Paul ChopchinskiGenre: Young Adult, Fiction, Adventure, Historical FictionBook 1 in The Curious Tale of Gabrielle book series
A young Gabrielle is driven by her will to explore and see new things. She cannot stop or rest until all within her reach has been experienced and explored. Driven by an astounding will and lack of common fear, she finds herself able to face things most adults might fall before. Yet has there been a journey that has been meant specifically for her all along? Is there a path that has been created just for her to travel?
Follow Gabrielle as she ventures through the lives of many with the experience of only her own. What will happen as she discovers the lives—and tragedies—of the souls who choose her to see their story? It’s a journey through history, life, and love unlike anything that could be imagined—except perhaps by a young girl.
“Hello…?” Gabrielle pleaded with the silence, hoping for a response from anybody at this point. She could feel that something was wrong, as she found herself looking at the vase of flowers that she had admired the day before. She could feel her heart stop as she looked at the once beautiful vase of flowers. Something was terribly wrong, the flowers were all dead. Not only were they dead, but they had been dead for some time, by the look of them, as they were dried with most of their petals on the table. Gabrielle’s mouth hung ajar in shock. These flowers had been alive and vibrant not several hours ago. How is this possible?
The urge to run came over her, as all of her senses were telling her to leave now and not look back. Something was wrong and she could feel it. She wasn’t sure how, but she could feel that whatever it was, was in the next room, lying just out of site. Gabrielle wasn’t sure how she knew this, but something was telling her as though it was being whispered into her ear. She stood frozen in fear for what felt like a lifetime when she heard the ‘click’ again.
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guest post
As I have begun my journey into the realm of being an author, I would have never guessed the importance of having your own set of rituals, standards, and practices. Rituals become just as important as the piece in which I’m currently developing. Do you have a ritual? The certain thing or circumstance that—without its blessing—you might be rendered unable to complete that which you are tearing at your soul to master? I didn’t realize until trying to best my procrastinating ways that my rituals are very important to me.
Firstly, I find myself to be a bit of a nyctophiliac, as It’s the night that really brings my best writing out. I’m not really sure whether it’s the serenity of the nighttime, or if it’s the calming darkness as the world sleeps, but this is my most adored time to write.
The next thing that’s important to my writing practices is the presence of music. I have a very particular playlist that is composed of different songs that elicit specific emotions. With this playlist, I find that I can write a more effective scene. The emotions from the music help me ensure that the reader is experiencing the same feelings and sensations as my characters.
Finally, location location location! Where I’m writing can directly effect the quality and quantity of what I write. I prefer to be in a comfortable place with little distraction (I have a slight attention deficit problem) so that I can complete what I have goaded myself at. Generally, I lock myself in my office at home and don’t emerge until I have completed my allotment for that day.
At first I thought my rituals were me just being silly and overly dramatic. A poetic license can be a curse and I felt a bit like a whining jerk. Until I realized the importance of inspiration in writing. For anybody out there reading this and finding themselves in a difficult place with their writings, I urge you to find the mind set that you were in when you began your current project an go back to it. Your inspiration and comfort with yourself and surroundings are just as important to writing and your hands and your heart.

About the Author
Zachary is 27 and lives in Maine with his lovely wife, Layla. The two of them share a home with their 4 fur-children Thai, Bambina, Loki and Le vie (Thai and Bambina are cats and Loki and Le vie are dogs).
Zachary received an Associates degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor's degree in Criminology from the University of Southern Maine. He had two short stories published by Ohio State University when he was in elementary school, and a poem published when he was in high school. Zachary has always had two passions in his life, criminal justice and writing. After spending nearly 5 years working in security, he decided it was time to give his other passion a chance.
Zachary is very much a family man and when he is not deep in writing, he can be found spending time with his family, playing video games or contemplating his next story idea.
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Christie Cote


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