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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday (8)

Welcome to Cambria Hebert’s weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where she asks you something and you tell her the answer!! It’s as simple as that!

Question: Have you ever participated in a Book club, buddy read or Read along?

I have not participated in any of those yet but am planning to do a buddy read with Michele from A Belle's Tales for Clockwork Prince and I'm also going to be doing a read along for Masquerade by Cambria Hebert. I'm excited to do both of these and see how it goes!


  1. Yay! Can't wait for the read along. I haven't read Clockwork prince and I would be interested to read your review. I have heard great things about it but I have also heard from a friend that she didn't like it. So I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it!

    1. I can't wait either! I can't wait to read clockwork prince. I loved clockwork angel I do have the review on my blog for that one if you haven't read that one either. I will post a review for clockwork prince when I read it. I have learned everyone is different.. i suspect I will love it but we will see :)

  2. So glad you are trying out a Buddy Read, they are so much fun!!
    Looking forward to reading Masquerade with you!!

    1. I can't wait! I'm excited for the busy read and Masquerade! I look forward to reading it with you also!

  3. I have not read Clockwork yet, but have it in my pile. I hear it is wonderful. I am hoping to read Masquerade too.

    1. Great to hear!!! I look forward to hearing what you think and I hope you also get to read Masquerade!


Thank you so much for all of your comments. I appreciate every one. I try to comment back to every one it just may take me a while. College student=busy! when you leave links I try to visit, depending on how crazy it is I may not have a chance to go comment on your blog. Please don't take offense! A lot of the time I mean to go back and forget because life is crazy.


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