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Friday, March 30, 2012

TGIF (12)

TGIF at GReads- This Feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's post & to answer a question from GReads.

Question: Book Blogger Retreat: If you could gather up a handful of book blogger friends to spend a weekend away talking books, where would you go? Tell us about it.

This would be awesome! The closest I think I'm getting to this is BEA which I hope to attend in june. I'm so excited! I just wish my friend Michele from A Belle's Tales could go and also Shellie from Creative Reads and a few others that I would love to meet in real life.

I would love to have a  retreat at a beach, any beach would be a ton of fun so here in Maine in the summer, Hawaii or anything cool like that! I love laying in the sand and how awesome would it be to lay in the sand with book bloggers and read books and squeal about them!

What you may have missed on my blog this week (and some from last week):



Other Awesome Stuff:


  1. can come to my beach, I'll find the pics and txt ya one =) I wish I could go to BEA too...that would rock my face off. One day we'll meet...somewhere LOL <3

    1. Sounds greta to me :) Hopefully someday you can go! I hope so :) That owuld be awesome! <3

  2. Awww!! I am so honored that you chose me as one of your blogger buddies! I'd love to go to BEA - this needs to happen one day! We will talk books until Nick and Mike drag us away from each other! ;D Can't wait! Love you!

    1. well of course :) YES one day!!!! hehe that sounds amazing they totally would have to drag us away from each other :-D hehe Can't wait either! Love you <3


Thank you so much for all of your comments. I appreciate every one. I try to comment back to every one it just may take me a while. College student=busy! when you leave links I try to visit, depending on how crazy it is I may not have a chance to go comment on your blog. Please don't take offense! A lot of the time I mean to go back and forget because life is crazy.


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