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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday (6)

Welcome to Cambria Hebert’s weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where she asks you something and you tell her the answer!! It’s as simple as that!

Question: If you could travel into any book to the setting and meet the characters which book would it be and why?

Oh boy I love so many books. Even books as crazy as Hunger Games and Divergent I would like to visit because I love them and would like to meet the characters especially the got boys like Four :) I love Four and Can't wait to get more of him in the next book. I really can't pick a single book or place for any reason because when I get sucked into a good book I feel like I'm in it and love being in it with the characters and the setting and just everything. Remembrance is another more safer pick...well sort of :-P It is a love story and again there is a guy :) I would have loved to have a masquerade dance in High school I can say that. We never had anything cool like that! Why is that stuff always in movies and books? Has anyone actually has anything like that in real life? If you have, I'm jealous. I don't have a great answer and maybe if I had more time to think about it I could come up with a better one. This post is already very late. :-P


  1. No worries on the late post I am just happy you joined in!! You gave some great answers! I can understand Hunger Games- its a completely different place than we are used too.... Would live to meet Katniss!! Wouldnt want to compete in The games tho. Lol!!
    And u know u have a point - all these great things and places in books.... Maybe thats why we read so much to go to these places we wouldnt otherwise.
    And i would LOVE to go to a masquerade ball.... Maybe thats why i wrote one into my book aptly named Masquerade! Bah ha h ha!!
    I havent been to one in real life either.... I am afraid my excitement comes from books!

    1. No problem it is always fun! I've just been busy! Agree i wouldn't want to be in the games but would love to meet some of the characters eeeps. I totally agree one great thing about reading is going on all kinds of fun adventures you may not be able to go on in real life!!! I totally need to read your book. it is on my list! It would be totally great to go to one in real life... *dreams* At least we can live through books right!


Thank you so much for all of your comments. I appreciate every one. I try to comment back to every one it just may take me a while. College student=busy! when you leave links I try to visit, depending on how crazy it is I may not have a chance to go comment on your blog. Please don't take offense! A lot of the time I mean to go back and forget because life is crazy.


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