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Monday, January 16, 2012

Curse of Ancient Shadows by Rod Tyson Review

Curse of Ancient Shadows by Rod Tyson

Cat had a pretty normal life… or so she thought until her father went missing.  She went to stay with her grandfather because her dad wasn’t around to pick her up from school. She hadn’t seen her grandfather in years and wasn’t sure what to expect, especially not that her family was cursed and the curse was after her. She had to decipher the clues and win the game that had been set in motion. Only one could live in the end, and the past events were not in her favor since her ancestors ended up dead.

Curse of Ancient Shadows was a fast-paced, adventure-packed story. There was not a dull moment, and there was always something going on. There was no option to be bored while reading this enticing story.

Rod Tyson contacted me and asked me to read and review his book. The story sounded interesting, so I accepted the request. Going into this story with no expectations, I came away with a great read. The story held my attention and kept me turning the pages to find out what would happen next. I liked that it had different aspects to it:  there was archeology, a curse, fantasy, treasure and adventure. What more could you ask for? It all fit together really well, and I was impressed with this debut novel. The author created a really interesting world that was fun to read about and kept me wanting more.

The author ended this book well and left the ending with the clear possibility that there could be another book, which I would really enjoy. 

Get your copy now!


  1. Great review!! This book sounds wonderful and the author is soooo nice! I can't wait to read it! <3

  2. Thanks Christie for such a great review! You made my week! ;) Michele, now you're making me blush...

  3. Cheles- aww thanks love! Yes the author is very nice :) I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it!

    Rod- You are very welcome, you earned it with a great book! Hehe yah she is awesome like that ;)


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