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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday (1)

Welcome to Cambria Hebert’s weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where she asks you something and you tell her the answer!! It’s as simple as that! 

What is your favorite genre to read and why?

My favorite genre is Young Adult and to narrow that down even more I would have to say Young Adult Fantasy. I love reading about magical worlds that are far from how reality is. I love Werewolves and Vampires and all kinds of other fun creatures and magic and really anything that is fantasy. I read adult books also but I mostly stick to young adult. There are just so many great books that are fun to read. I have been reading YA books since I got obsessed with reading and just never grew out of it. There are quite a few adult books and series I love also, which are mostly Fantasy books but tend to find way more books that interest me in YA. I love the stories and can usually relate to whatever YA book I’m reading in some way or another. The past few years the YA genre has grown a ton. When I used to shop for books there were only a couple shelves of books in the store if that. Now there is usually a large section with a couple rows at least devoted to YA. It is amazing and I love it. It is hard to describe exactly how much I love YA and why, I just do. The amazing books I find just continue to make me want to read.

What is your favorite genre to read?


  1. Paranormal is also my fav genre!

    Natasha @ My TMST

  2. Great answer, girlie! I'm so happy you're obsessed with YA too! ;) You're right and I love the fact that this genre is so easy to find now. So happy you participated in TMST and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me that awesome comment! <3 u

  3. Hi Christie! Yeah I am glad you joined the meme. I know I can't believe how much the YA genre has grown. For fairies you need to read Julie Kagawa if you haven't and chek out Karen Moning Fever series!

  4. Morgan- Paranormal is cool :) close enough to fantasy for me ;) I love everything YA haha Thanks for sharing!!!

    Cheles- Awww thanks. It is a major improvement how many books there are now I love it! You are welcome! Any time I loved the post! You rock love <3

    Heidi- Thanks It is fun. Cheles showed me last week but I didn't have a good answer haha so I waited. The genre has grown a ton and it is amazing. I forget until I think about it how small it was just a few years ago. I plan to read Julie Kagawa's book! I'm pretty sure I have the first one lol. I want to read the Fever ones also.. Thats for the recommends! appreciate it.

  5. I completely agree about YA, it is such a great genre with so many wonderful sub genres as well!

  6. Kindlemom- right!!! totally agree :) It is just all kinds of awesome!

  7. I LOVE young adult too!! Its just fantastic to read!


Thank you so much for all of your comments. I appreciate every one. I try to comment back to every one it just may take me a while. College student=busy! when you leave links I try to visit, depending on how crazy it is I may not have a chance to go comment on your blog. Please don't take offense! A lot of the time I mean to go back and forget because life is crazy.


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