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Sunday, January 29, 2012

In My Mailbox (9)

Find out what is in my mailbox weekly, a feature hosted by The Story Siren. I will share what I get every week. If I haven't gotten anything new then I will share what I'm reading and What I will be reviewing in the near future.

I have a fantastic Mailbox this week! It is the best Mailbox I have ever had!!!

Michele, Cheles Bells from A Belle's Tales sent me this awesome package in the mail for helping her with her new blog design and the blogging world. I didn't want anything in return but she insisted on sending me something and she went way above and beyond!. She is super sweet, if you haven't talked to her in the blogging world, yet you need to! We talk every day about anything and everything. That is how she knows I love Soccer and got me a fun Soccer shirt from her husbands T-Shirt  side business. eeeep! She also sent me awesome zombie pops which you can get better picture of on the post for her epic giveaway she is doing now. Click the giveaway badge to check it out!  
Michele sent me Divergent by Veronica Roth because I haven't read it yet and I need to! I can't wait to read it!!! I also got 2 handmade book marks made by her and her daughter McKenzie (Katertot). Katertot also decided I needed to have a webkinz and she was super sweet and got me one. The Kitty above who I have named Medea. Michele also got me 2 journals, which I have a major addiction for and I hadn't even told her that yet hehe. She also sent a fun pen that matched but I forgot to put it with the stuff for the picture. I also recieved a huge Kit-Kat and that isn't in the picture because my Fiance decided to break into it before I had a chance to take  picture hehe... He did share with me though :) Nick, "Christie, when did we get a Kit-kat" Me, "No, Mine!" lol. Michele and McKenzie also sent me a beautiful card with the package! Thank you both very much this made my day, week, year :) hehe. I'm so glad to have found amazing friends like you!

I also got another package from an awesome blogger, Shellie from Creative Reads. Shellie received the ARC Borrowed Heart by Linda Lamberson and read it and loved it. She then contacted the author and asked to send it to me because she thought I would love it too! Super nice of her for thinking of me :) They said yes so here is is in my mailbox. She also surprised me with some fun swag! eeeep :) A couple things even have autographs double eeeeep!!! A great surprise and I can't wait to read this book! Thank you so much Shellie!

Beyond by T. P. Boje- Won


  1. Awwww! I'm so glad you liked your prezzies! Divergent is my favorite book of all time, and I needed you to have it so we can gush over it together! Thank you so much for designing my giveaway badge (I never even thought of having one) and for answering all my tech questions, you computer savvy blogger, you! Big thanks for the shout-out, and congratulations on all your other goodies you got this week! I'm so happy to have you as a blogging buddy and even more happy to call you my friend. <3

  2. How could I not love them!!!!??? eeeep so awesome! I can't wait to gush about with with you also eeep. It will be great! You are very welcome! I love to help and it is fun :) I will shout you out any time ;) hehe thank you ;) i love all of my goodies. I'm very happy to call you my friend also! <3 you rock :)

  3. I love the blogging community! What a sweet story you shared; how you helped someone and they truly appreciated it and showed you how much! I really love hearing that!!!! Nice "swag"!!

    I still have to read Divergent, too :)

    Here's my IMM

    Have a great week! ~Kristin @myparahangover

  4. Great set! Love the package. I really need to read Divergent.
    My IMM

  5. You will love Divergent! If you don't you had better lie to Michele and tell her you did :) She is the best!

  6. Kristin- Me too :) It has been an amazing experience! Thank you :) hehe I hope you enjoy it when you get to read it!

    Alison- Thank you :) Hopefully we will both read it soon :)

    Heidi- I'm sure I will love Divergent! hehe she is the best :-p if for some reason I didn't like it I'm sure she wouldn't hate me for it though lol :-p


Thank you so much for all of your comments. I appreciate every one. I try to comment back to every one it just may take me a while. College student=busy! when you leave links I try to visit, depending on how crazy it is I may not have a chance to go comment on your blog. Please don't take offense! A lot of the time I mean to go back and forget because life is crazy.


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